== MSP32.2 == This covers the period 1 February 2015 to 7 March 2015, and includes eclipses from 7 February to 7 March when the payloads will be switched off. There is Moon eclipse on C1 on 18 February, and two manoeuvres on C3 on 10 February and 16 February, scheduled to take place during the OFF period for the eclipse. The times of the eclipses are listed on the JSOC web page (http://www.jsoc.rl.ac.uk/msp/). The Bryant plots for February and March are there, and are in the attachments. One main priority for MSP32.2 will be requests for BM1 from the GI Alexandrova proposal. Due to the late release of the template plots, the deadline has been extended by a couple of days to 25 October. The GI Alexandrova BM1 sessions occupy 10 orbits during eclipses, and long D0 periods will be needed before the eclipses in order to download the data so the perigee BM3s have been moved earlier. The last three orbits of MSP32.2 have not been declared yet - they will be either for SWT priorities or used as backup for the GI proposal. A PEACE cal BM1 has been put in orbit 2283, at the end of MSP32.1. The Bryant plots are attached. The updated Bryant plot for February 2015, the by-orbit listing, and list of D0 periods are attached.