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| 88 | == MSP42.2 == |
| 89 | [wiki:MSP422 MSP42.2] |
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| 91 | This segment covers the period from 14 March 2020 to 06 June 2020, after the short eclipse season. For the eclipse season the payload will be off, preliminary times are: on SC3 and SC4 24/02/2020 01:30 - 15/03/2020 12:30 and on SC1 and SC2 24/02/2020 01:30 -17/03/2020 19:20. |
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| 93 | This segment has 135% data volume as a baseline, however in some PPs the data rate can be increased up to 140% if required due to science targets allocation. |
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| 95 | This segment includes a moon eclipse on 22/04/2020 on C2 during the period 09:44-10:28, and on C1 during the period 10:06 - 10:49. The science operations will cease for several hours around eclipse times, due to lack of power. Exact time of power off TBD. |
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| 97 | There are manoeuvres on C3 on 02-03/05/2020, on C1 and C2 on 03/05/2020, on C3 on 09/05/2020, on C1 and C2 on 09-10/05/2020, C1, C2 and C3 on 18-19/05/2020, and on C2 on 01/06/2020. For more information, http://jsocwiki.rl.ac.uk/attachment/wiki/WikiStart/manoeuvres_dec2019-may2020.pdf. |
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| 99 | The primary BM1 science targets are magnetopause, bow shock, Cluster/MMS conjunctions at the magnetopause and Cluster GI ECS intervals (southern cusp). |
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