

The segment covers the middle of February 2017 to the end of April 2017. The eclipse season starts on the second orbit of the MSP, and lasts for 10 orbits, during which time all the payloads are switched off. There is an additional eclipse on 8/9 March 2017 on C1 and C2, and RAPID remains off until after this final eclipse. The magnetopause and bow shock boundaries are available throughout the segment. The main priority is the inbound magnetopause boundary crossing and there are opportunities for coordinated observations with MMS at the inbound magnetopause boundary in orbits 2623, 2627,2629, 2635, 2641, 2644, and 4-hour BM1 periods have been placed using the Cluster timing. The Cluster JSOC web page has details of the constraints around the 'Short Eclipse' season, Burst Mode periods and WBD are restricted for a period before the eclipses start.

30 Nov: The draft burst mode periods have been identified, and are listed in the attachments and the by-orbit analysis. The D0 (no-data-taking) periods on C1, C2, C3 will be defined when the plan is accepted.

6 Dec: An extra BM2 period has been added in orbit 2632 (outbound MP, coordinated with MMS) and a D0 period set in the same orbit. The D0 periods on C1, C2, C3 are listed in the attachment; they are all around apogee and favour the outbound part of the orbit, normally after the bowshock, until mid-April onwards when the D0 start overlaps the outbound bowshock boundary. The attachments also include the list of BM1 periods, the list of BM2 periods and the by-orbit analysis, as well as the Bryant plots.

7 Feb: The data fill is increased from 110% to 120% from 11 March (after the eclipses) to 31 March, by reducing the D0 periods, as shown in the attachment.

27 Feb: Updates to attachments for by-robit analysis and list of BM2 periods.

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Feb 27, 2017 5:59:19 PM

Attachments (9)

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