
MSP 39.3

This segment covers the period from 28 July to 29 August 2018. The neutral sheet is accessible throughout. C3 payload is off from 07:30 on 14 August to 00:17 on 17 August for a series of manoeuvres.

Note that the total data return is 130% equivalent normal mode per orbit (allowing an average of 3 hours BM1/BM2 per orbit).

Update 29 June with confirmed times for eclipse payload off period: This segment ends with the 2018 'long eclipse' season: the four spacecraft will experience a series of eclipses lasting several hours whilst passing through Earth's shadow when near apogee. So the payload must be switched off due to lack of power. There are eclipses on all four spacecraft from 1 to 6 September 2018, and a further eclipse on C1 and C2 on 8 September. The payload will be off on all spacecraft from 29/08/2018 20:28:00 to 07/09/2018 00:00:00 - and off on C1 and C2 for a further two days, up to 09/09/2018 00:00:00.

The draft Bryant plots for this segment are attached, together with draft lists of four-spacecraft BM1 and BM2 periods, and single SC BM2 and D0 periods. The daft by-orbit analysis is also attached and the level of D0 (no-data-taking) is indicated. These are awaiting update in response to confirmation of eclipse payload off period, e.g. removal of operations planned for 30 and 31 August.

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Jun 29, 2018 8:39:09 AM

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