
MSP 39.4

This segment covers the period from 04 September to 02 November 2018. The neutral sheet is accessible throughout. The payload on C3/C4 is switched on after eclipse season on 07/09/2019 at 00:00 and on C1/C2 on 09/09/2018 at 00:00. C3 payload is off on 26 September for the period 08:57-19:17 and on 25/26 October for the period 18:06 - 04:26 for manoeuvres.

Note that the total data return is 130% equivalent normal mode per orbit (allowing an average of 3 hours BM1/BM2 per orbit).

The draft lists of four-spacecraft BM1 and BM2 periods, and single SC BM2, BM1 and D0 periods are attached. The draft by-orbit analysis is also attached and the level of D0 (no-data-taking) is indicated.

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Aug 7, 2018 2:29:10 PM

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