
MSP 41.1

This segment covers the period from 25 May to 06 September 2019 (before the eclipse season). For the September eclipse season, the payload is off on SC3 and SC4 during the period 31/08/2019 03:48:00 - 10/09/2019 18:00:00, and on SC1 and SC2 during the period 01/09/2019 05:14:00 - 10/09/2019 18:00:00.

The magnetopause is accessible until late June, and the tail neutral sheet from early July. The primary BM1 science target is the Cluster/MMS conjunctions in the magnetosheath and at the magnetopause and Cluster skimming magnetopause, followed by the neutral sheet crossings centred on C3/C4 with C1 and C2 being in the opposite lobes.

There are manoeuvres on 16 July (C3), 5 August (C1, C2, C3) and 14 August (C1, C2, C3). This segment includes a moon eclipse on C1 on 1st July 2019, and the science operations will cease for several hours around this eclipse, due to lack of power. The instruments on C1 will be switched off for the period 01/07/2019 06:00 - 02/07/2019 06:00. In addition, there will be no BM1, BM2 or WBD operations on C1 between 30/06/2019 00:00 and 02/07/2019 06:00.

The MSP41.1 was updated on 30/04/2019 in order to accomodate moon eclipse margins, with some science operations changes.

The MSP41.1 was updated on 11/06/2019 in order to accomodate request to slighly change times for the BM2 AKR observations, affected orbits 3004, 3005 and 3008.

The MSP41.1 was updated on 17/06/2019 in order to accomodate the September eclipse season start, with some science operations changes, affected orbits 3022 and 3023.

This segment has 130% data volume.

Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on Jun 17, 2019 3:59:40 PM

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