This segment covers the period from 14 May 2023 to 30 June 2023.
Baseline telemetry is 140%.
There will be no moon eclipses in this segment.
There will be no manoeuvres during this segment.
Cluster crosses the predicted bow shock until: C34 - 17/05/2023, C1 - 24/05/2023, C2 - 28/05/2023
Cluster crosses the predicted magnetopause until: C34 - 24/06/2023, C1 - 29/06/2023, C2 - 03/07/2023
The main science targets are conjunctions between Cluster and MMS and/or THEMIS at the magnetopause, bow shock and inside the magnetosheath, and auroral acceleration region in the northern hemisphere. One hour of BM1 per month is also allocated to PEACE/WHISPER cross-calibration intervals.
Science planning for one northern AAR interval was adjusted on 13/03/2023, affected orbit is 3627, single SC-ops BM2 on SC12 was allocated for 45 mins. This updated is reflected in tables MSP49p1_byorbit_draft_v2.pdf and MSP49p1_singleSC_Bm2_v1.pdf.
A mistake in the table for 4SC BM2 mode allocation was corrected on 03/04/2023 - BM2 mode for the events on 14 and 23 May were allocated on all 4 spacecraft, not on SC134. Table with *V2* reflects the right allocation.
Attachments (12)
(60.7 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 2 years ago.
Bryant plot template for the Tail season 2023
(53.2 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 2 years ago.
Draft 'by orbit' analysis of MSP49.1
(54.7 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 2 years ago.
Draft list of 4 SC BM1 periods
(48.0 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 2 years ago.
Draft list of 4 SC BM2 periods
(44.7 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 2 years ago.
Draft list of Single SC BM1 periods
(79.3 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 2 years ago.
Bryant plot template for the Dayside season 2023
(40.8 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 2 years ago.
Bryant Plot for May 2023
(40.7 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 2 years ago.
Bryant Plot for June 2023
(53.3 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 2 years ago.
UPDATED on 13/03/2023 draft 'by orbit' analysis of MSP49.1
(42.3 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 2 years ago.
ADDED on 13/03/2023 draft list of Single SC BM2 periods
(48.0 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 2 years ago.
CORRECTED on 03/04/2023 draft list of 4 SC BM2 periods
(106.1 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 21 months ago.
Northern AAR conjunctions with EISCAT
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