
This segment covers the period from 30 June 2023 to 22 September 2023 (ending during the Autumn 2023 eclipse season).

The ESOC's dates for the payload to be off during the Long Eclipses season are:

  • C34 13/09/2023 04:00 - 23/09/2023 18:00
  • C1 19/09/2023 00:00 - 02/10/2023 18:00
  • C2 19/09/2023 12:00 - 05/10/2023 00:00

Baseline telemetry is 140% overall, although a telemetry volume is variable to accommodate the science targets.

There will be no moon eclipses in this segment.

There will be a manoeuvre on SC2 on 17/09/2023, for more information please see ​

Cluster crosses the predicted magnetopause until: C34 - 24/06/2023, C1 - 29/06/2023, C2 - 03/07/2023.

Cluster crosses the predicted neutral sheet in the tail from: C34 - 16/07/2023, C12 - 12/08/2023.

The main science targets are conjunctions between Cluster and MMS and/or THEMIS in the plasma sheet, nights-side multi-mission conjunctions, and auroral acceleration region in the northern hemisphere.

Science planning for orbit 3642 (PP1175) was changed on 18/05/2023 - 40 mins of BM2 on SC12 (single SC operations) were added to maximise science return of potential northern AAR observations. Updated tables are MSP49p2_byorbit_draft_v2.pdf and MSP49p2_singleSC_Bm2_v2.pdf.

Science planning for PP1177 (orbits 3648, 3649, and 3651) was changed on 23/05/2023 - three BM1 intervals (2h each, 4 SC-ops) were added to the MSP based on a late request to support multi-mission tail conjunctions. Updated tables are MSP49p2_byorbit_draft_v3.pdf and MSP49p2-4SC_BM1_draft_v2.pdf

Science planning after orbit 3664 (PPs 1182-1186) was changed on 11/06/2023 to accommodate multi-mission tail conjunctions (late request) and the start of the eclipse season based on ESOC's timetable. Updated tables are MSP49p2_byorbit_draft_v4.pdf, MSP49p2-4SC_BM1_draft_v3.pdf, and MSP49p2-4SC_BM2_draft_v2.pdf, and updated Bryant plots for July-September and Tail season 2023 are marked with *v1*.

Last modified 21 months ago Last modified on Jun 11, 2023 4:53:49 PM

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