This segment covers the period from 22 September to 01 December 2023 (starting during the Autumn 2023 eclipse season).
The ESOC's dates for the payload to be off during the Long Eclipse season are:
- C34 13/09/2023 04:00 - 23/09/2023 18:00
- C1 19/09/2023 00:00 - 02/10/2023 18:00
- C2 19/09/2023 12:00 - 05/10/2023 00:00
Baseline telemetry is 140% on average.
There will be no moon eclipses in this segment.
There will be a manoeuvre on SC2 on 06/11/2023 and 17/11/2023, for more information please see
Cluster crosses the predicted neutral sheet in the tail until: 13/11/2023 - by all SC.
Cluster crosses the predicted magnetopause from: SC1 - 07/11/2023, SC2 - 10/11/2023, C34 - 14/11/2023.
The main science targets are conjunctions between Cluster and MMS and/or THEMIS in the plasma sheet and at the dayside, auroral acceleration region in the northern and southern hemispheres and multi-mission tail conjunctions.
Attachments (9)
(57.0 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 21 months ago.
Draft 'by orbit' analysis of MSP49.3
(55.9 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 21 months ago.
Draft list of 4 SC BM1 periods
(50.9 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 21 months ago.
Draft list of 4 SC BM2 periods
(44.6 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 21 months ago.
Draft list of Single SC BM1 periods
(42.0 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 21 months ago.
Draft list of Single SC D0 periods
(63.6 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 21 months ago.
Bryant plot template for the Tail season 2023
(40.6 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 21 months ago.
Bryant Plot for September 2023
(40.7 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 21 months ago.
Bryant Plot for October 2023
(40.6 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 21 months ago.
Bryant Plot for November 2023
Download all attachments as: .zip