This segment covers the period from 1 December 2023 to 5 April 2024, part of the Dayside 2024 season.
Baseline telemetry is 140%.
The period includes most of the season of ‘Short Eclipses’ in February - May 2024 when all instruments will be switched off.
The ESOC's dates for the payload to be off during the Short Eclipse season are:
- C2 01/02/2024 04:00 - 24/05/2024 04:00
- C1 19/02/2024 20:00 - 03/05/2024 14:00
- C34 26/02/2024 18:00 - 06/04/2024 14:00
There will be re-entry manoeuvres on SC2 on 15/01/2024, 16/01/2024, 24/01/2024, 25/01/2025 and on 01/02/2024, 02/02/2024 (February's manoeuvres are back-up). The full timetable is available here These manoeuvres have an increased margins and all instruments will be switched off for the whole duration of the manoeuvres. The payload on SC2 was switched off for the short eclipse season at the start of 01 February 2024 manouvre, so the 'science data re-start' times for 01/02/2024 and 02/02/2024 manoeuvres were estimated but not used in the planning and commanding as all payload on SC2 stayed off.
Cluster crosses the predicted magnetopause from: SC1 - 07/11/2023, SC2 - 10/11/2023, C34 - 14/11/2023.
Cluster crosses the predicted bow shock from: SC1 - 16/12/2023, SC2 - 18/12/2023, SC34 - 25/12/2024.
The main science targets are conjunctions between Cluster and MMS and/or THEMIS at the magnetopause, bow shock and inside the magnetosheath, and auroral acceleration region in the southern hemisphere.
This segment contains the PP1210 which covers most of the eclipse season and is developed to be used for a 'generic OBRQ' later in the mission when paylad on SC134 (CIS, FGM, PEACE, WEC) is swicthed ON for a short amount of time into NM1-BM1-NM1 telemetry sequence for a specific science target.
Science planning around the time of the start of the Short eclipse season on SC2 was updated on 10/10/2023 to accommodate the ESOC's request to switch off payload on SC2 for the eclipse season on 01/02/2023. Updated orbits 3737 and 3738, tables with *v2* reflects the introduced changes.
On 16/10/2023 the MSP50.1 by_orbit table was updated for orbit 3714, as one BM1 mode interval was missing in that table.
On 16/11/2023 the MSP50.1 science planning was updated (from orbit 3745) to accommodate the ESOC's schedule for the Short Eclipse season 2024 and for the special operations in PP1210 (development of generic OBRQ). Tables MSP50p1_byorbit_draft_v4.pdf and MSP50p1-4SC_BM1_draft_v3.pdf reflect the changes.
On 05/12/2023 table by_orbit has been updated for the Southern AAR entry in orbits 3738-3739, as a wrong mode was shown. Table in MSP50p1_byorbit_draft_v5.pdf shows the correct, BM2, mode. All other tables were correct, as well as MSP_ASCII.lst.
Attachments (22)
(75.0 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 20 months ago.
Bryant plot template for the Dayside season 2024
(61.0 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 18 months ago.
Draft 'by orbit' analysis of MSP50.1
(56.6 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 18 months ago.
Draft list of 4 SC BM1 periods
(50.7 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 18 months ago.
Draft list of 4 SC BM2 periods
(48.4 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 18 months ago.
Draft list of Single SC BM1 periods
(44.0 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 18 months ago.
Draft list of Single SC BM2 periods
(43.2 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 18 months ago.
Draft list of Single SC D0 periods
(78.7 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 18 months ago.
Bryant plot for the Dayside season 2024, MSP50.1
(63.4 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 18 months ago.
Bryant plot for the Tail season 2023, from MSP50.1
(43.6 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 18 months ago.
Bryant Plot for November 2023
(40.7 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 18 months ago.
Bryant plot for December 2023
(40.7 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 18 months ago.
Bryant plot for January 20244
(40.6 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 18 months ago.
Bryant plot for February 2024
(40.7 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 18 months ago.
Bryant plot for March 2024
(61.3 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 17 months ago.
Draft 'by orbit' analysis of MSP50.1 - Updated on 10/10/2023
(57.0 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 17 months ago.
Draft list of 4 SC BM1 periods - Updated on 10/10/2023
(47.3 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 17 months ago.
Draft list of Single SC BM1 periods - Updated on 10/10/2023
(42.8 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 17 months ago.
Draft list of Single SC D0 periods - Updated on 10/10/2023
(61.3 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 17 months ago.
Draft 'by orbit' analysis of MSP50.1 - Updated on 16/10/2023
(62.0 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 16 months ago.
Draft 'by orbit' analysis of MSP50.1 - Updated on 16/11/2023
(57.3 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 16 months ago.
Draft list of 4 SC BM1 periods - Updated on 16/11/2023
(62.0 KB) -
added by ybogdanova 15 months ago.
Draft 'by orbit' analysis of MSP50.1 - Updated on 05/12/2023
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